
EM2218C QuikWave Sound Repeater

*  Sound quality comparable to AM radio
*  Plays uncompressed .wav files
*  1-watt monaural output
*  Eight trigger inputs, one RS-232 port
*  Contact closure or PLC activation
*  Random access up to 511 tracks
*  CompactFlash memory card technology
*  Max. memory = 2GB (FAT)
*  Powerful script mode operation
*  Single voltage supply (6~12V DC)
*  Compact size & low power

EM2218C is a digital sound repeater capable of playing Windows .wav sounds. It is directly compatible with uncompressed 8-bit mono PCM sound files digitized at 8, 11, 16 or 22 KHz. Sound programming is as simple as copying .wav files to the flash card via a reader device attached to the computer. CompactFlash cards, commonly  used in digital cameras, are readily available in many different capacities. Hundreds of tracks with more than an hour’s worth of audio can be recorded onto a single flash card.

Since .wav files can be used directly for playback without going through any conversion and/or compression, EM2218C offers cleaner and better sound than other digital repeaters. Most other file formats (such as  MP3 and WMA) incorporate data compression at the cost of lower sound quality.  With the cost of flash cards being so low, compressed file formats just don’t make sense in most industrial applications.

EM2218C can be easily configured to work in different modes of operation. The most powerful mode, the Script Mode, allows you to define a script of playback steps for each trigger. For example, you can play a file, wait a few seconds, play another file, then jump to another script. Or you can put the unit into an endless play loop which may be interruptible or non-interruptible.

Designed to be a stand alone device, EM2218C can be powered by a single voltage power supply, and output to a  speaker directly. Sound playback can be activated by a number of devices such as  push buttons, motion sensors and PLCs. Standard interfaces include a RS-232 serial port and eight contact closure inputs. Keypad and other custom interfaces  are available by special request.

Typical Applications

*  Talking Exhibits and Displays
*  Amusement Equipment Sound Effects
*  Halloween Attractions
*  PA/Transportation Announcements
*  Sound Output for  Specialized Equipment

EM2218C Data Sheet