The QuikVoice chips are state-of-the-art digital sound chips. They can record
and/or play sound segments all by themselves without the help from a microprocessor. Unlike other sound chips which store a very limited amount of sounds in their internal memory, the QuikVoice chips store sounds in
external memory chips with virtuely no limitation. Therefore, the QuikVoice chips do not require the kind of setup charge and long leadtime associated with custom sound chips. They also offer the better sound
quality and longer message length.
The QuikVoice chips employs the Continuously Variable Slope Delta (CVSD) compression technique with variable sampling rates from 24 to 128 Kbps. Samping clock can be
generated internally with a simple R/C network, or an external clock can be used. Operated with a single 5V supply, these chips are low power devices suitable for battery operated applications.
For EPROM based (playback only) designs, VP880 QuikVoice Development System must be used for sound development. VP880 is a computer based sound digitization, editing and management system. After the sound is developed, it is programmed into EPROM chips with a standard EPROM programmer. Eletech also provides sound development and programming service to customers who do not want to do it themselves.
Features All features are not applicable to all models.
* Voice grade audio record and/or playback * Stand alone operation
* CVSD compression with variable sampling rates * Use external EPROM or SRAM for sound data storage * Single or multiple sound segments capability * Single or dual channel output
* Low power consumption * DIP and surface mount package
* Exhibits, displays and attractions
* Message repeaters * Gaming, vending and amusement equipment * Industrial controls * Security alarms
Selection Guide